Data Documentation
Find below a list of our data tables.
All imported data will either directly imported or converted into this structure.
Data which can not directly map onto existing columns is collected in the custom json column.
custom | This tables saves completely custom data as json. For easier export and graphing per source views with customizable structure are automatically created. |
grids | Static data about electrical grids - minigrids as well as national grids |
grids_ts | Time Series data of individual grids |
meter_events_ts | Time Series data of events processed from meters_ts |
meters | Represents installations of on-grid or mini-grid meters at a specific customer. |
meters_ts | Time Series data of individual meters |
paygo_accounts_snapshots_ts | Time Series data of events processed from meters_ts |
payments_ts | Payment time series data for SHS Accounts or Meter Accounts |
shs | Represents installations of Solar Home Systems at individual customers |
shs_ts | Time Series data of individual Solar Home Systems |
test | This is the description of the table. This table saves test data and is used to test things like import / anonymization / types / views and whatever you can think of. Some column names are reserved id - used internally as id created_at - timestamp when record was inserted updated_at - timestamp when record was updated source_id - the id of the data source import import_id - the id of the exact import process which created / updated the data custom - json column to store all imported data which was given but not mentioned in table structure below visibility - in views - what level of visibility was provided source_name - in views - name of the datasource source_organization_name - in views - name of the organization which provided the data Type is one of the rails db migration types. |
trust_trace | Trust Trace - the results of data validations and checks on subjects from other tables. Populated by data processors. |